Zakat Calculator Pakistan 24 Jan 2024

Zakat Calculator PKR

Created by Team y2calculate

Content written by Omar

Calculator code by Sajid khan (Ms computer science)

Reviewed by Khalid

Fact checked 🔍✓


How to use Zakat calculator PKR

The Zakat Calculator designed for Pakistan allows users to input the value of their gold, silver, cash savings, business assets, agricultural products, and livestock in PKR (Pakistani Rupees). After entering these values, users can click the “Calculate Zakat” button to determine the Zakat amount in PKR they should pay.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the calculator:

  1. Input Values:

    • Enter the value of your gold in PKR in the “Value of Gold” input field.
    • Enter the value of your silver in PKR in the “Value of Silver” input field.
    • Enter the value of your cash savings in PKR in the “Cash Savings” input field.
    • Enter the value of your business assets in PKR in the “Value of Business Assets” input field.
    • Enter the value of your agricultural products in PKR in the “Value of Agricultural Products” input field.
    • Enter the value of your livestock in PKR in the “Value of Livestock” input field.
  2. Calculate Zakat:

    • After entering all the values, click the “Calculate Zakat” button.
  3. View Result:

    • The result will be displayed below the button.
    • If the total wealth is below the Zakat Nisab threshold (Rs136,556.28), it will notify you that the total wealth is below the Zakat Nisab, and you should confirm the current Nisab from a local scholar.
    • If the total wealth is equal to or above the Nisab threshold, it will calculate and display the Zakat amount in PKR.
  4. Repeat:

    • You can repeat the process with different values to calculate Zakat for various scenarios.

Remember that the calculator uses a fixed Zakat rate of 2.5% (0.025) of the total wealth, as per Islamic guidelines. Feel free to use and customize the calculator as needed.

Zakat, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, is an essential act of worship and a means of purifying one’s wealth. It involves giving a portion of one’s wealth to those in need, thereby promoting social justice and supporting the less fortunate. However, before you calculate and fulfill your Zakat obligation, it’s important to know whether your wealth exceeds the Zakat Nisab, which is the minimum threshold for wealth that makes Zakat obligatory.

Our Zakat Calculator is designed to help you determine your Zakat obligation. It’s a user-friendly tool that considers various forms of wealth, including gold, silver, cash savings, business assets, agricultural products, and livestock. By entering the values of these assets, the calculator will assess whether your total wealth surpasses the Zakat Nisab for the Jan, 2024, set at Rs136,556.28.

If your total wealth is below the Nisab threshold, the calculator will provide guidance to confirm the current Nisab amount from a local scholar. If your wealth surpasses the Nisab, the calculator will also calculate the Zakat amount you need to pay, making it easy for you to fulfill this important obligation.

Using this Zakat Calculator, you can ensure that you meet your religious duty and contribute to the welfare of those in need. It’s a tool designed to make Zakat calculation simple, accurate, and accessible to all.

How does it works?

Here’s how the calculator works:

  1. Threshold Amount: The threshold amount for Zakat in Jan 2024 is set at Rs136,556.28. If the entered amount is below this threshold, the calculator will display a message stating that Zakat is not applicable.
  2. Deduction Percent: The deduction percent for Zakat is 2.5%. Once the entered amount surpasses the threshold, the calculator applies this deduction percentage to calculate the Zakat amount.
  3. Calculating Zakat: To calculate the Zakat amount, simply enter the amount in PKR that you possess or are considering for Zakat calculation. Click on the “Calculate Zakat” button, and the calculator will process the input.
  4. Zakat Result: The result will be displayed in the designated area below the button. If the entered amount is below the threshold, the message “Zakat is not applicable” will be shown. If the entered amount is equal to or exceeds the threshold, the Zakat amount will be calculated by deducting 2.5% from the entered amount. The calculated Zakat amount will be displayed as a decimal value rounded to three decimal places.

Please note that this calculator only applies to PKR currency and follows the specific rules and guidelines for Zakat calculation in Pakistan. It provides an estimate for informational purposes and should not replace individual consultation with a qualified religious scholar or financial advisor for precise Zakat calculations and distribution.

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