Zakat Calculator for Canada

Zakat Calculator Canada

  • The user is presented with a form that includes a field to enter their total wealth in CAD (Canadian Dollars).

  • After entering the wealth amount, the user clicks the “Calculate Zakat” button.

  • The JavaScript code attached to the button’s click event performs the following calculations:

  • The user is presented with a form that includes a field to enter their total wealth in CAD (Canadian Dollars).

  • After entering the wealth amount, the user clicks the “Calculate Zakat” button.

  • The JavaScript code attached to the button’s click event performs the following calculations:
    • It retrieves the entered wealth value from the input field.
    • It checks if the entered value is a valid number and greater than zero. If not, it displays an error message asking the user to enter a valid amount.
    • If the entered wealth is valid, it proceeds with the Zakat calculation.
    • The Nisab value for Zakat in Canada is set to CAD 587.52. If the user’s wealth is below this threshold, an error message is displayed indicating that their wealth is below the Nisab and asks them to confirm the exact Nisab amount in their country.
    • If the user’s wealth is equal to or greater than the Nisab, the Zakat amount is calculated by multiplying the wealth by the Zakat rate of 2.5%.

  • The calculated Zakat amount is displayed in the result section of the page, showing the amount in CAD.

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