Zakat Calculator for Bahrain

Zakat Calculator Bahrain

How much zakat should Muslim pay in Bahrain

Zakat Nisab for Jan 2024 in Bahrain is (BHD167.602932)​

Zakat is a compulsory pillar of Islam, everywhere Muslims from all over the world give zakat to people who deserve it. For this purpose, Allah subhanaho tallah gave clear guidance in Quran that every Muslim who is eligible to pay zakat will give 2.5% of their wealth to the poor and needy, people

How to calculate your zakat in bahrain?

As this zakat calculator is design for Bahrain resident and people who live in bahrain and want to give zakat in bahrain currency. we will guide you that how you will calculate your zakat in bahrain currecny based on gold and silver/

How to calculate zakat in Bahrain currency using silver price?

In order to calculate zakat in bahrain currency first you should know the silver treshold for zakat. people who have wealth equal to 612.36 gram of or 52.5 tola of silver are eligible to give zakat, while on the other hand people who wealth is below this threshold will not pay zakat.

Now to calculate zakat in Bahrain currency, we need to find per gram silver price in Bahrain. The per gram silver price in Bahrain in Jan 2024 is 0.2737 BHD, by multiplying it by 612.36 we got the zakat threshold in Bahrain currency, which is equal to 167.602932 BHD.

Now calculate your total wealth and enter into the above zakat calculator design for  Bahrain, The calculator will calculate your zakat in Bahrain currency

Categories of Assets Subject to Compulsory Zakat in Islam

The assets on which Zakat is compulsory include:

  1. Gold and Silver: Zakat is due on gold and silver, both in the form of jewelry and coins, if their value meets or exceeds the Nisab threshold.

  2. Cash and Bank Savings: Money kept in banks or in one’s possession is subject to Zakat if it reaches or exceeds the Nisab value.

  3. Business Merchandise and Stocks: If a person owns business merchandise or stocks, Zakat is applicable on the value of these assets.

  4. Agricultural Produce: Zakat is due on the yield of agricultural produce, including crops, fruits, and grains.

  5. Livestock: Zakat is applicable to certain types of livestock, such as camels, cows, and sheep, if their numbers meet or exceed specified thresholds.

  6. Trade Goods: Merchandise and goods intended for trade are subject to Zakat.

It’s important to note that Zakat is not obligatory on personal residences, personal clothing, personal vehicles, and other personal items not intended for business or investment. Additionally, Zakat is calculated based on the total value of eligible assets after deducting essential expenses and debts.

The specific rules for calculating Zakat may vary slightly among different Islamic schools of thought, so individuals are advised to consult with religious scholars or local authorities for guidance based on their particular circumstances.

How to use zakat calculator

    The user is presented with a form that includes a field to enter their total wealth in BHD (Bahraini Dinars).

    After entering the wealth amount, the user clicks the “Calculate Zakat” button.

    The JavaScript code attached to the button’s click event performs the following calculations:

    • It retrieves the entered wealth value from the input field.
    • It checks if the entered value is a valid number and greater than zero. If not, it displays an error message asking the user to enter a valid amount.
    • If the entered wealth is valid, it proceeds with the Zakat calculation.
    • The Nisab value for Zakat in Bahrain is set to BHD 165.24. If the user’s wealth is below this threshold, an error message is displayed indicating that their wealth is below the Nisab and asks them to confirm the exact Nisab amount in their country.
    • If the user’s wealth is equal to or greater than the Nisab, the Zakat amount is calculated by multiplying the wealth by the Zakat rate of 2.5%.

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