decimal inches to inches calculator

Decimal Inches to Inches Calculator

Decimal Inches to Inches Calculator

Enter decimal inches:

what does this calculator do?

The provided code is for a decimal inches to inches calculator. It allows you to enter a decimal value representing inches and converts it to a mixed number representation in inches (with a whole number and fractional part). Here’s how the calculator works:

  1. The HTML form provides an input field for entering the decimal inches value.
  2. When the user clicks the “Convert” button, the convertDecimalToInches() JavaScript function is triggered.
  3. The function retrieves the decimal inches value entered by the user from the input field.
  4. It separates the whole number part of the decimal value from the fractional part.
  5. The fractional part is converted to a mixed number representation by multiplying it by 16 and rounding to the nearest whole number.
  6. The result is displayed on the webpage as a mixed number in inches, consisting of the whole number and the numerator and denominator of the fractional part.
  7. For example, if the decimal input is 3.75 inches, the calculator will convert it to 3 12/16 inches.

In summary, this calculator helps you convert decimal inches to inches in a mixed number representation. It takes a decimal inches value, separates the whole number and fractional parts, and displays the result as a mixed number in inches.