Cubic Feet to Square Feet Calculator

Created by Team y2calculate

Content written by Jane (Ph.D)

Coding and design by Marcelino (Ms)

Reviewed by Sajid khan (Head of content)

Fact checked 🔍✓


Converting cubic feet to square feet

Converting any number from cubic feet to square is not possible directly. Both cubic feet and square are different units, one is used for volume and the other is for area. 

To convert cubic feet to square feet we need to some different approach. calculate the height or depth, After finding the height of depth just divide the volume by height or depth, and you get the answer. Remember that both volume and height should be in the same unit eg feet or meters.

How we can find the height?

We can find height easily if all three sides of the volume given are equal in length. we can use the given formula to find the cube of any number like 250, 700 and 1500. 

In the given examples below you see if you want to convert 250 cubic feet to square feet, first find the height as we calculated which is 

once we find the height length just divide the whole volume by the height length and you get the square feet area.

here if we divide by we get approximately sq ft area.

The formula to calculate Height from cubic number (\( \sqrt[3]{x} \)) of a number (\(x\)) is:

\[ \sqrt[3]{x} = x^{1/3} \]

Find the cube root (\( \sqrt[3]{x} \)) for a number (\(x\)) of \(250\).


Using the cube root formula:

\[ \sqrt[3]{250} = 250^{1/3} \approx 6.30 \]

Therefore, the cube root is approximately \(6.30\).

Calculate the cube root (\( \sqrt[3]{x} \)) for a number (\(x\)) of \(700\).


Using the cube root formula:

\[ \sqrt[3]{700} = 700^{1/3} \approx 8.86 \]

Therefore, the cube root is approximately \(8.86\).

Determine the cube root (\( \sqrt[3]{x} \)) for a number (\(x\)) of \(1500\).


Using the cube root formula:

\[ \sqrt[3]{1500} = 1500^{1/3} \approx 11.65 \]

Therefore, the cube root is approximately \(11.65\).

Short formula for converting cubic feet to square feet

But if we have Volume with equal sides we can use the given short formula 

\[ \text{Square Feet} = \frac{Volume}{\sqrt[3]{Volume}} \]


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