70/30 ratio split calculator

Split any number in 70/30 ratio

Created by Team y2calculate

Content written by James (BS economics)

Coding and design by Sajid khan (Ms computer science)

Reviewed by David (BS finance)

Fact checked 🔍✓


Welcome to the 70/30 ratio Split Calculator—a powerful and simplest tool designed by y2calculate.com to assist real estate professionals in determining their earnings based on a 70/30 ratio split arrangement. In the dynamic world of real estate, understanding how commissions are distributed between agents and brokers is crucial for making informed financial decisions. Whether you’re a seasoned real estate agent or just starting out in the industry, this calculator will provide you with clarity and transparency regarding your potential earnings under a 70/30 ratio commission split model. Let’s embark on a journey of financial empowerment and maximize your earnings in the real estate market. 

What is 70/30 ratio?

The 70/30 ratio refers to a proportion where one part constitutes 70% of the whole, while the other part makes up the remaining 30%. This ratio is commonly used in various contexts, such as business, finance, and even dietary recommendations.

About 70 30 commission split calculator

Do you need to determine the commission split between two agents quickly and fairly? Look no further! Our user-friendly calculator is here to help. We base our calculations on a standard 70/30 ratio. Just input the total commission amount, and with a simple click, our calculator will show you the commission amounts for both Agent 1 (70%) and Agent 2 (30%). This ensures a transparent and equitable distribution of commission shares.

Key Features:

  • Simple & Efficient: Easily find out how much each agent gets.
  • Transparent: Ensure a fair distribution of commissions.
  • Custom Options: If you require a different split ratio, use our Custom Split Calculator to specify the percentages for both agents.

Explore Custom Options:

  • If your commission split doesn’t follow the 70/30 ratio, try our Custom Split Calculator.
  • You can enter your desired percentages for each agent and get accurate results.
  • For alternative commission split ratios, check out our 60/40 and 80/20 commission calculators.

In summary, our Commission Split Calculator is a valuable tool to streamline the process of sharing commissions. It’s quick, accurate, and designed to meet your specific needs.

Get started today and ensure your agents receive their fair share of the commission!

How to calculate 70/30 ratio split?

A 70/30 commission split refers to a commission structure where one party receives 70% of the commission, and the other receives 30%. To calculate the commission split for a particular transaction or sales amount, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the Total Commission Earned:

    • If, for example, the total commission earned from a sale is $1,000, this is the starting point.
  2. Calculate the 70% Share:

    • Multiply the total commission by 0.7 (which represents the 70% share).
    • 70%×$1,000=$700
  3. Calculate the 30% Share:

    • Multiply the total commission by 0.3 (which represents the 30% share).
    • 30%×$1,000=$300

So, in a 70-30 commission split on a $1,000 commission, one party would receive $700 (70%) and the other would receive $300 (30%) in 70:30 ratio. Adjust these calculations based on the actual commission amount in your specific scenario.

How the 70/30 split Calculator Works

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the 70 30 calculator:

  1. Commission Split Selection:

    • Choose a commission split from the “Commission Split” dropdown menu. Options include 70/30, 90/10, 80/20, 60/40, and Custom.
  2. Custom Commission (if applicable):

    • If “Custom” is selected, two additional input fields for Agent One and Agent Two commission percentages will appear. Enter the respective percentages.
  3. Currency Selection:

    • Choose the desired currency from the “Currency” dropdown menu.
  4. Total Commission Input:

    • Enter the total commission amount in the “Total Commission” input field.
  5. Calculate:

    • Click the “Calculate” button. The calculator will then compute and display the commission amounts for Agent One and Agent Two based on the selected commission split or custom percentages.
  6. Result:

    • The calculated commission amounts for Agent One and Agent Two will be displayed in the “Result” section, along with the selected currency.
  7. Learn More (Optional):

    • At the bottom of the result, there is a link to learn more about increasing commission income.
  8. Changing Commission Split:

    • If you want to change the commission split after the initial selection, use the “Commission Split” dropdown again, and the custom commission input fields will appear or disappear accordingly.


Here are a few examples of how you might use the commission split calculator:

Example 1: Standard Commission Split

  1. Commission Split Selection:

    • Choose “70/30” from the “Commission Split” dropdown.
  2. Currency Selection:

    • Choose “United States Dollar (USD)” from the “Currency” dropdown.
  3. Total Commission Input:

    • Enter the total commission amount, e.g., 10000.
  4. Calculate:

    • Click the “Calculate” button.
  5. Result:

    • The calculator will display the commission amounts for Agent One and Agent Two in USD based on the 70/30 split.

Example 2: Custom Commission Split

  1. Commission Split Selection:

    • Choose “Custom” from the “Commission Split” dropdown.
  2. Custom Commission Input:

    • Enter Agent One’s commission as 40% and Agent Two’s commission as 60%.
  3. Currency Selection:

    • Choose “Euro (EUR)” from the “Currency” dropdown.
  4. Total Commission Input:

    • Enter the total commission amount, e.g., 15000.
  5. Calculate:

    • Click the “Calculate” button.
  6. Result:

    • The calculator will display the commission amounts for Agent One and Agent Two in EUR based on the custom 40/60 split.

Example 3: Changing Commission Split Dynamically

  1. Commission Split Selection:

    • Choose “80/20” from the “Commission Split” dropdown.
  2. Currency Selection:

    • Choose “British Pound (GBP)” from the “Currency” dropdown.
  3. Total Commission Input:

    • Enter the total commission amount, e.g., 12000.
  4. Calculate:

    • Click the “Calculate” button.
  5. Result:

    • The calculator will display the commission amounts for Agent One and Agent Two in GBP based on the 80/20 split.
  6. Changing Commission Split Dynamically:

    • Change the “Commission Split” dropdown to “Custom” and input custom commission percentages.

Benefits of Using a Commission Split Calculator

  • Transparency: The calculator provides clarity on how commissions are divided, promoting trust and transparency in the real estate industry.
  • Time-Saving: It eliminates the need for manual calculations, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Fair Compensation: The 70/30 model ensures a fair share for both agents and brokerages, motivating agents to perform at their best.

Commission Split in Real Estate

In the real estate world, commission splits can vary, and the 70/30 model is just one of the many options available. Some agents and brokerages may agree on different splits, such as 60/40 or 80/20. The choice of split depends on various factors.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

Myth 1: All Brokerages Follow the 70/30 Split

Contrary to popular belief, not all brokerages follow the 70/30 model. The split can vary widely, and it’s essential to be aware of the terms before signing with a brokerage.

Myth 2: The Higher the Split for Agents, the Better

While a higher agent split may seem attractive, it’s crucial to consider the brokerage’s support, reputation, and other factors that can influence your success.

Myth 3: Commission Splits Are Set in Stone

Commission splits are often negotiable. Don’t be afraid to discuss the terms with your brokerage.

Myth 4: The Calculator Is All You Need

While the calculator is a valuable tool, it’s not a replacement for sound negotiation skills and understanding the real estate market.

Myth 5: Commissions Are All Profit

Remember that commissions cover various expenses, including marketing, legal fees, and more. It’s not all profit.

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