volt to watt Converter
Welcome to volt to watt Calculator, this tool not only allows the user to calculator or convert watt from volt but also it can convert watt to volt. Using volt to watt calculator is simple.
- Select the conversion you want to do.
- Enter volt in the 2nd label , You can also choose unit for voltage as according to user need.
- last but not the least enter current or resistance, don’t enter both, as it will not calculate the correct value.
Volt to Watt Formulas
Using Current (I):
P = V × I
Where P
is power in watts, V
is voltage in volts, and I
is current in amps.
Using Resistance (R):
P = V2 / R
Where P
is power in watts, V
is voltage in volts, and R
is resistance in ohms.
Watt to Volt Formulas
Using Current (I):
V = P / I
Where V
is voltage in volts, P
is power in watts, and I
is current in amps.
Using Resistance (R):
V = √(P × R)
Where V
is voltage in volts, P
is power in watts, and R
is resistance in ohms.