
Success Percentage Calculator

Enter the total number of successful attempts and the number of trials. After clicking the calculate button, the result will display the success rate as a percentage.

How to calculate success rate percentage

The formula to calculate the success percentage (\(SP\)) given the number of successes (\(S\)) and total number of trials (\(T\)) is:

\[ SP = \left( \frac{S}{T} \right) \times 100 \]


  • \(SP\): Success Percentage
  • \(S\): Number of Successes
  • \(T\): Total Number of Trials

Find the success percentage (\(SP\)) for \(10\) successes out of \(20\) total trials.


Using the success percentage formula:

\[ SP = \left( \frac{10}{20} \right) \times 100 = 50\% \]

Therefore, the success percentage is \(50\%\).

what is success rate or percentage

Success rate or percentage is a measure of successful outcomes in relation to the total number of given attempts or trials. It is expressed as a percentage to provide a standardized representation of the success level. Use our success rate calculator to find the success percentage.

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