
Average Rate of Change

Created by Team y2calculate.com
An average rate of change calculator is a tool or function that helps calculate the average rate of change of a quantity over a specified interval. It typically takes into account two main pieces of information:
  1. The initial value of the quantity at the start of the interval.
  2. The final value of the quantity at the end of the interval.

How to use average rate of change calculator

Input Values

x₁: Enter the x-coordinate of the first point. This is where you want to start calculating the rate of change.

f(x₁): Enter the function value (or y-coordinate) at x₁. This represents the value of the function at the first point.

x₂: Enter the x-coordinate of the second point. This is where you want to end the calculation of the rate of change.

f(x₂): Enter the function value (or y-coordinate) at x₂. This represents the value of the function at the second point.

What is average rate of change

The average rate of change tells us how much something, like a number or a value, changes on average over a specific period of time or between two points. It’s like figuring out how fast something is changing overall, not just at one moment. For example, if you know the value of something at two different times or points, you can use the average rate of change  calculator to see how much it’s changing between those times.
Average Rate of Change Formula

Average Rate of Change Formula

The average rate of change of a function \( f(x) \) between two points \( x_1 \) and \( x_2 \) is given by:

\( \text{Average Rate of Change} = \frac{f(x_2) - f(x_1)}{x_2 - x_1} \)


  • \( x_1 \) is the x-coordinate of the first point.
  • \( f(x_1) \) is the function value at \( x_1 \).
  • \( x_2 \) is the x-coordinate of the second point.
  • \( f(x_2) \) is the function value at \( x_2 \).

Practical Use Case

Example 1: Average Rate of Change in Economics


Imagine you are analyzing the sales performance of a product over two consecutive months. The sales data for the product is as follows:

  • Month 1 (January):
    • Sales (in thousands of units): \( f(1) = 50 \)
  • Month 2 (February):
    • Sales (in thousands of units): \( f(2) = 70 \)


Calculate the average rate of change in sales per month over this period.


Identify Variables:
  • \( x_1 = 1 \) (Month 1)
  • \( f(x_1) = 50 \) (Sales in Month 1)
  • \( x_2 = 2 \) (Month 2)
  • \( f(x_2) = 70 \) (Sales in Month 2)

Apply the Average Rate of Change Formula:

Average Rate of Change = \( \frac{f(x_2) - f(x_1)}{x_2 - x_1} \)

Substituting the values:

Average Rate of Change = \( \frac{70 - 50}{2 - 1} = \frac{20}{1} = 20 \)


The average rate of change in sales per month is 20,000 units. This means, on average, the sales of the product increased by 20,000 units per month from January to February.

Example 2: Average Rate of Change in Population Growth


Imagine you are studying the population growth of a city over a period of five years. The census data for the city is as follows:

  • Year 1: Population = 100,000
  • Year 2: Population = 110,000
  • Year 3: Population = 120,000
  • Year 4: Population = 130,000
  • Year 5: Population = 140,000


Calculate the average rate of change in population growth per year over this period.


Identify Variables:

  • \( x_1 = 1 \) (Year 1)
  • \( P(x_1) = 100,000 \) (Population in Year 1)
  • \( x_2 = 5 \) (Year 5)
  • \( P(x_2) = 140,000 \) (Population in Year 5)

Apply the Average Rate of Change Formula:

Average Rate of Change = \( \frac{P(x_2) - P(x_1)}{x_2 - x_1} \)

Substituting the values:

Average Rate of Change = \( \frac{140,000 - 100,000}{5 - 1} = \frac{40,000}{4} = 10,000 \) people per year


The average rate of change in population growth is 10,000 people per year. This means, on average, the population of the city has been increasing by 10,000 people annually over the five-year period.

Example 3: Average Rate of Change in Physics


Consider a car accelerating from rest. The velocity of the car, \( v(t) \), in meters per second (m/s) after \( t \) seconds is given by:

  • At \( t = 0 \): \( v(0) = 0 \) m/s
  • At \( t = 5 \): \( v(5) = 25 \) m/s


Calculate the average acceleration of the car over the first 5 seconds.


Identify Variables:

  • \( t_1 = 0 \) seconds (Start time)
  • \( v(t_1) = 0 \) m/s (Velocity at \( t_1 \))
  • \( t_2 = 5 \) seconds (End time)
  • \( v(t_2) = 25 \) m/s (Velocity at \( t_2 \))

Apply the Average Rate of Change Formula:

Average Acceleration = \( \frac{v(t_2) - v(t_1)}{t_2 - t_1} \)

Substituting the values:

Average Acceleration = \( \frac{25 - 0}{5 - 0} = \frac{25}{5} = 5 \) m/s²


The average acceleration of the car over the first 5 seconds is \( 5 \) meters per second squared. This means, on average, the velocity of the car increased by \( 5 \) m/s every second during this period.

Example 4: Average Rate of Change in Mathematics


Consider a function \( f(x) = x^2 \). We want to find the average rate of change of \( f(x) \) over the interval from \( x = 1 \) to \( x = 3 \).


Calculate the average rate of change of \( f(x) = x^2 \) over the interval \( [1, 3] \).


Identify Variables:

  • \( x_1 = 1 \) (Start of interval)
  • \( f(x_1) = 1^2 = 1 \) (Value of \( f(x) \) at \( x_1 \))
  • \( x_2 = 3 \) (End of interval)
  • \( f(x_2) = 3^2 = 9 \) (Value of \( f(x) \) at \( x_2 \))

Apply the Average Rate of Change Formula:

Average Rate of Change = \( \frac{f(x_2) - f(x_1)}{x_2 - x_1} \)

Substituting the values:

Average Rate of Change = \( \frac{9 - 1}{3 - 1} = \frac{8}{2} = 4 \)


The average rate of change of \( f(x) = x^2 \) over the interval \( [1, 3] \) is \( 4 \). This means, on average, \( f(x) \) increased by \( 4 \) units for every unit increase in \( x \) over this interval.

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