
Watts to HP Converter


What is Watts to Hp conversion calculator ?

The watts to HP calculator is very handy and intended for the conversion of the electrical or mechanical power measured in watts into the equivalent unit of measurement in horsepower. Horsepower is a commonly utilized power unit of measurement, but most of all in the industries that involve automobiles and engineering or machines. On the other hand, watts comprise the International System of Units.
Through this calculator, it is easy to provide different conversions of types of horsepower, such as:

  • Mechanical Horsepower (hp(I)) – Commonly used in mechanical systems and machinery.
  • Electrical Horsepower (hp(E)) – Often used for electric motors and generators.
  • Metric Horsepower (hp(M)) – Used primarily in European countries.

Watts to Horsepower Conversion


To convert watts to various types of horsepower:

**Mechanical Horsepower:**

\[ \text{HP(I)} = \frac{\text{Watts}}{745.7} \]

**Electrical Horsepower:**

\[ \text{HP(E)} = \frac{\text{Watts}}{746} \]

**Metric Horsepower:**

\[ \text{HP(M)} = \frac{\text{Watts}}{735.5} \]


  • \(\text{Watts}\) = Power in watts
  • \(\text{HP(I)}\) = Mechanical horsepower
  • \(\text{HP(E)}\) = Electrical horsepower
  • \(\text{HP(M)}\) = Metric horsepower

Example Calculation

If the power is 1000 watts:

\[ \text{HP(I)} = \frac{1000}{745.7} \approx 1.34 \]

\[ \text{HP(E)} = \frac{1000}{746} \approx 1.34 \]

\[ \text{HP(M)} = \frac{1000}{735.5} \approx 1.36 \]

How to use Watts to Hp calculator

  • Enter the Power in Watts: Input the value of power in watts into the calculator.
  • Select Horsepower Type: Choose the type of horsepower you want to calculate:
    • Mechanical Horsepower (HP(I))
    • Electrical Horsepower (HP(E))
    • Metric Horsepower (HP(M))
  • Click Calculate: Press the calculate button to get the result.
  • View Results: The calculator will display the converted values for all selected horsepower types.

FAQs - Watts to Hp

Watts to HP Conversion

1 watt = 0.00134102209 HP (mechanical)

Convert Watts to HP

Divide the number of watts by 745.7 to get the horsepower value.

2200 Watts to HP

2200 watts = 2.951 HP

1500 Watts to HP

1500 watts = 2.012 HP

1800 Watts to HP

1800 watts = 2.412 HP

3000 Watts to HP

3000 watts = 4.023 HP

750 Watts to HP

750 watts = 1.006 HP

1000 Watts to HP

1000 watts = 1.341 HP

575 Watts to HP

575 watts = 0.771 HP

746 Watts to HP

746 watts = 1 HP (approximately)

1400 Watts to HP

1400 watts = 1.877 HP

2400 Watts to HP

2400 watts = 3.219 HP

500 Watts to HP

500 watts = 0.671 HP

550 Watts to HP

550 watts = 0.738 HP

6000 Watts to HP

6000 watts = 8.046 HP

600 Watts to HP

600 watts = 0.805 HP

1100 Watts to HP

1100 watts = 1.476 HP

Watts to HP Formula

The formula to convert watts to HP is: HP = Watts ÷ 745.7

300 Watts to HP

300 watts = 0.402 HP
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